Monday 9 December 2013

Nelson Mandela: A Great Man and Great Anti-Racist

The death of Nelson Mandela is a landmark moment in global politics. It has allowed the BBC in particular to draw a new narrative, casting those who opposed the USSR and socialism as racists and those who supported socialism in Southern Africa as heroes. The rise of Mandela was a new dawn for Internationalist Socialism and his death has been an opportunity to lionize those who fought the West and Western Capitalism.

. "In 1990, the same year that he was released from prison, the Soviet Union awarded Mandela the Lenin International Peace Prize.  He was the last person to receive the prize, which was no longer awarded after the fall of the Soviet Union. " Russia: beyond the headlines

This was our greatest sadness, that the crowning achievement of the struggle in Southern Africa should also be linked with the end of the USSR.  We gave so much to support SWAPO, the ANC and FRELIMO and it was only as the Soviet Union fell in 1989-90 that Mandela was released.  At the time it seemed like a Pyrrhic victory.

However, in 1989-90 few of us had moved from Marxist Leninism to Anti-racist Post Marxism.  Those who shed tears because Mandela's release was too late can now raise their heads with pride and announce to the world how they fought the political fight for the ANC and can show how the capitalists were racists and how the struggle was not about East versus West but about Anti-racism versus racism.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Racistizing the Enemy

How far should we tolerate racism? Not at all! Those who condemn their fellow man simply for moving from one place to another, such as UKIP, should be fully racistized. (Pronounced racist-eyes). Racistize is an ugly new word to describe an ugly event: racism. How do we racistize someone? Most anti-racists know how, they have a visceral resentment of the enemy, placed there by caring teachers and the zeitgeist. They will declare the racist to be beneath contempt and refuse to have contact with them, expelling them from their social circle. Women are particularly good at this technique. There is no political discussion where racism is concerned. UKIP, and most Conservatives are beneath contempt, having nationalist ideologies. As are National Socialists such as the SNP and BNP. Internationalist Socialists understand that irrational ideologies should not be tolerated. A "democracy" that allows the free dicussion of racist ideology is no democracy at all.

Some Post Marxist resources

Post Marxism deals with the pressing issues of racism, feminism and sexism as the route to Socialism. Here are some resources.

Post-Marxism an intellectual history

Marxist Feminism / Materialist Feminism

The Anti-Racist Anti-Imperialist United Front

Modern, Anti, Post, and Neo: How Social Theories Have Tried to Understand the'New World'of'Our Time' " We are living in the transition to a socialist mode of production, our future world government"

Critical theory, poststructuralism, postmodernism: Their sociological relevance

The Anti-Racist Front

"If you oppose anti-racism you are racist."

Once there were tribes and these fought other tribes.  Tribes are the root of racism and war.  We can stop this and have stopped it.

Tribes come from families.  Nations act like families.  Families favour their own children.  This can be stopped.

Until everyone puts their loyalty to work and other people above their loyalty to family there will always be racism.

We can only stop the family by convincing everyone that it is better to put your workplace, party and the brotherhood of man first. Women are leading the way, they are abandoning the idea of family and children and devoting their lives to their employment and putting themselves first.

Anti-racism is putting yourself first so destroying the tribal society that went before.  Socialism will be father and mother to your children there is no need for families and tribes.

Modern anti-racism is not about black and white.  Colour just started the ball rolling.  It is now about Scots, English and Bulgarians, it is about being Internationalist and Socialist, destroying the family so that we can build a new Socialist age.

Had Marx understood the power of anti-racism to change society he would have abandoned the "class struggle", it is anti-racism that is the root of revolutionary socialism.  Anti-racism allows us to show children that their own countries and families are the obstacles to true Socialism and anti-racism has the moral force for us to insist that all teachers instil this message in the children.   Teaching children that racism is the worst crime of all is the path to global Socialist government and enlightened governments everywhere are making their teachers and state media the prophets of this change. Where Marxism failed Post-Marxism has succeeded.

Global Socialism will be free from the divisions that threaten us all.  We Socialists will be able to remove the differences between people so that we can all look to the same enlightenment of material well being and personal satisfaction.  The petty national and cultural differences that separate us will be gone, we will be coffee coloured people and a brotherhood of man.

Eventually everyone will be truly equal, the same.  Discrimination and difference will be a thing of the past, the wise State will govern so that those who want to threaten us with separatism will be punished, not rewarded as at present.  It will be seen that "free" speech was just a way of offending other people and that "democracy" was largely a platform for racist ideologies, Internationalist Socialism being the only ideology of anti-racism. If you oppose anti-racism you are racist.

Now that victory is within sight it is no longer necessary for true Socialists to hide in the shadows and work from within.  We can be proud of our achievements and follow Jack Straw's lead when he publicly announced that he was proud to be a Stalinist, credit can be now be given to the true movers and shakers in the New Britain.

Scottish Independence is it racist?

We love the people of Scotland. They will always be a part of us.

The SNP want independence but the Scottish tribe is weak.  These are weak people who do not realise that their destiny is to be one with all mankind.

British anti-racism has produced a mixed society in England and we should help the Scots.  After their referendum there must be a huge effort to make sure that tribalism never returns to Scotland. London is now 60% people from overseas and this can be an easily achievable target for the New Scotland.  Never again will Scots racism rear its ugly head!

Stop Scottish racism now! Vote for a united Britain and a united world!

Saturday 30 November 2013

Racism and truth

One of the greatest victories of anti-racism was the removal of racist attitudes in the Social Sciences.  Most Social Science faculties are now anti-racist and internationalist socialist.

It was the racist works of Jensen in the USA and Eysenck in the UK in the 1970s that precipitated the change.  These authors claimed that their IQ tests showed differences between the races.  They presented the famous "Bell Curve" as a justification of difference.  Social Scientists joined together in condemning this racism.  The supporters of these measurements claimed the defence of "truth" but there is only ideological truth.  The racists were purged from Social Science faculties across the world.

Having shown the racist nature of IQ Tests and other so-called "objective" tests it is now possible to dismiss those who use these reactionary techniques as evil and right wing.

Anti-racism created Social Science faculties that are relatively free from reactionaries.  They now recruit staff who have the correct view of social science.  This has had the the effect of creating teachers who are fully onboard the internationalist, ant-racist agenda and who have produced a generation of children who will change the world.

"Give me the child for seven years,
and I will give you the man."

Victory is indeed near.

Heroes of Anti-Racism: The British

The British have a special place in the annals of Anti-Racism.  Britain is special because it had a class war that was also a racial conflict.   The British class war originated in the Norman invasion and this led to the upper classes despising the lower classes as rude Saxons and the lower classes despising the upper classes as vicious Normans.

At the start of the "Cold War", Harry Pollitt, leader of the GB Communist Party told the young generation of Socialists: 'Don't join us. Work hard, get good degrees, join the Establishment and serve our cause from within.'   After 1989 and the fall of the Soviet Union we realised that the real battle was about racism, not class, and became post-Marxist to further Socialism.  Now that the struggle has been won we can proudly tell the true story of the battle against the English racists, we fought from within and prevailed.

Some of those who were to become leading members of the British Labour Party such as Peter Mandelson and Charles Clarke made huge sacrifices, training in Cuba in the 1970s to bring this war against the racist English to fruition.  The Soviet Union employed Union Boss Jack Jones to recruit future anti-racists such as Blair and Brown to the cause.  These were exciting times to be involved in the revolution, everyone was on the move and Marxism was changing into Post-Marxist anti-racism.  The crowning glory of this effort and dedication was the Labour election victory of 1997.

There was little time for our heroes to change Britain.  They knew that the most important revolutionary task was to rub the noses of the English in diversity so began the importation of over half a million people from overseas every year to destroy the grip of the English racists.  As Jack Straw put it, "English Nationalism" was the "greatest threat to Britain".  The English were not just a threat within Britain, they had a cult of individualism and had spread this globally, undermining Socialism everywhere.

When New Labour left power in 2010 the population of London was only 40% "white British".  The capital city had been liberated from the "English", this was possibly the greatest social and political change in British history.  A victory that was celebrated in the 2012 Olympic Games.  Britain is now a place where the people are subject to the State, not to tribal affiliations.  It is now free to merge with Europe and create a new centre for Socialist progress in the world.

Although New Labour were the heroes we must not forget the sheer hatred of the ordinary English for the upper classes. Ironically it was the votes of the ordinary racist English that allowed 13 years of New Labour anti-racism that culminated in the replacement of these English tribalists in London and in many other large, British cities.The future looks bright, Labour is no longer dependent on racist English votes but can call on the international population of Britain to be loyal to Socialism rather than to a race and its country or votes motivated by blind racist hatred of the upper classes.

It is only now that Socialism has won such a significant victory that we can truly appreciate the work done by Blair, Mandelson and the other heroes of New Labour.  Finally the English must realise that their children have no special rights to their land, it is the land of the people, all people, and the children of the English must take their place alongside the rest of humanity.  Finally the English have cast their children into the conditions that might be experienced by children in less fortunate places.  Their difference is abolished.